Title: Itadaki! Seieki
Japanese Title: いただきっ! セーエキ
Alternative Title: Vampire Vixen
Episodes: 1
Released Date: March 28, 2014
Brand: PashminaA / JVD
* Based on the erotic manga by Doumou.
Succubus Setogaya Mari is a part-vampire who takes her nourishment not from blood but from drinking semen. As she performs oral sex for energy, various things can happen; for example, her breasts might simply grow during the act.
Source: Hentai Haven
Episode 1
Released Date: March 28, 2014
Tags: Succubus, Comedy, School Girl, Blowjob, Paizuri, Doggy Style, Handjob, Facial, Anal, Double Penetration
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