Title: Flutter of Birds: Tori-tachi no Habataki
Japanese Title: flutter of birds ~鳥達の羽ばたき~
Synonyms: Virgin Touch
Episodes: 2
Released Date: May 24, 2002 till Aug 23, 2002
* Based on the erotic game by Silky’s.
Yusaku is heading home for the first time in eight years. He is a medical student about to take on a summer internship in the country working at his uncle’s clinic. While on the train, he becomes smitten with a young woman sitting across from him, but is unable to summon the courage to speak to her. When he arrives in his hometown, he is reunited with friends from his childhood, and get introduced to gorgeous nurses, patients, and mysterious young girls. It is only a matter of time before Yusaku runs into the beautiful woman he saw on the train.
(Source: AniDB)
Screenshot: Episode 1 Episode 2
Label: Pink Pineapple
Sequel: Flutter of Birds II: Tenshi-tachi no Tsubasa
Format: mp4
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Episode 1 Salefiles
Episode 2 Salefiles