Title: Gyakuten Majo Saiban: Chijo na Majo ni Sabakarechau The Animation
Japanese Title: 逆転魔女裁判 ~痴女な魔女に裁かれちゃう~ THE ANIMATION
Episodes: 1
Released Date: August 28, 2015
Brand: Pink Pineapple
Based on the erotic game by Erectlip.
A transfer student gets accused of being a pervert by the most popular girl in high school – who also happens to be a witch with massive tits. Will he try to prove his innocence? Or will he give in and embrace it?
Episode 1
Released Date: August 28, 2015
Tags: Ahegao, Big Breasts, Blowjob, Bondage, Creampie, Gangbang, Handjob, Outdoor Sex, Paizuri, Reverse Rape, School Girl
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