Soi Kano: Gyutto Dakishimete The Animation

Title: Soi Kano: Gyutto Dakishimete The Animation
Japanese Title: 添いカノ~ぎゅっと抱きしめて~ THE ANIMATION
Released Date: September 28, 2018 till
Brand: Pink Pineapple
Source Material: Based on erotic game by Giga.

Kouhei has lately been seeing dreams where he is falling, and it made him chronically sleep-deprived. So, he would take a walk every day around the school grounds for a comfortable place to take a nap during lunch break.

One day, he visited the rooftop greenhouse for the first time and took a nap there. When he woke up, there was a girl who he didn’t know sleeping next to him.

“Wah!? Why!?”
“Nn… This, is my, reserved spot…”

Yoake was a problem child at the school. Why is it that she never shows up in class even though she comes to the school? He begins to know her secret after napping together with her every day.

From Hau! Omochikaeri~

Soi Kano: Gyutto Dakishimete The Animation Episodes:

Soi Kano: Gyutto Dakishimete

Episode 1
Released Date: September 28, 2018
Tags: Big Breast, Blowjob, Creampie, Handjob, Paizuri, Romance School Girl, Swimsuit, Twin Tail, Doggy Style

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