
Japanese Title: 巨乳JKアイドル声優寝取られスタジオ
Title: Kyonyuu JK Idol Seiyuu Netorare Studio
Released Date: January 25, 2013
Dlsite: VJ007489
Circle: ZION
Format: mp4
Size: 472-502mb

The protagonist manages a voice acting agency.

He’s responsible for his new voice actress idol, the highschool student Tsukimori Mihaya. They have a secret relationship, but obviously of platonic nature.

At this time, Mihaya’s voice director becomes interested in her and she gets an exclusive promotion to speak a heroine in an anime TV show.

But from this day onwards, Mihaya began avoiding the protagonist.
What could be her reason?

Screenshot: part 1, part 2
Download Links:

part 1   [ Mirror ] [ Freedlink ]
part 2   [ Mirror ] [ Freedlink ]